Our religious leaders are confronting cultural and governmental issues vastly different than those which faced their predecessors. In legal cases ranging from attempts by city government to illegally restrict use of signs to the application of health insurance requirements, government authorities tend to treat religious organizations differently from their secular counterparts. It is imperative that attorneys who serve religious institutions understand how to apply statutory exemptions, the First Amendment, state constitutional provisions, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, privilege statutes and similar laws.

We are here to help.


Forming, amending, merging, consolidating and terminating charitable organizations, board governance training, meeting and minute training, by-laws, operating agreements, Developing workable practice and procedure manuals


Designing and implementing multi-site legal structures for growing ministries, Creating facilities use policies and procedures


Faith-based schools, hostile claim protection, armed/unarmed campus policy, security policy, vendor contracts


Zoning, entitlement and Religious Land Use & Institutionalized Persons Act matters, long-term ground leases, Policies, procedures, leases and contracts

Other services include:

  • Qualifying Arizona churches to receive Arizona Tax Credit funds
  • Donor advisory services, planned giving programs and estate planning
  • Employment Law


We want to support ministries so they can thrive.


We support ministries with easy-to approach solutions, competent legal services and expert counsel.

A trusted counsel

Contact us today so we can help you overcome the obstacle in front of you.